Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What Can Be Said 012 (Camouflage)

The stealthiness of our own ignorance, although reproved often in the Word, is more often the one thing we spend the most time perfecting, rather than spending time on those things that could deepen our relationship with God. We could be working on our prayer lives, (or prayer relationship) or we could be working on opening ourselves to God so He can work on changing us and bringing us further from that point in our lives where we were once alienated from the Father.

I speak now of my own mind as I do not know the mind of others. I do not intend to give excuse or lay blame to the past, how I was raised or under what conditions. God has made me to be my own person in that, I am responsible for that which is my own understanding, my own choices. I allowed these choices to become an expanse, a place where I did not want God to be.

There are within me things that I tried cleverly concealing from God, small dark little secrets that I never wanted to come out. God in His wisdom brought them to the surface of my mind but I pushed them back and concealed them with a smile. In His desire for me to grow, He found them and put them in my remembrance but I camouflaged them with prayer and worship. God, again, uncovered them and put them in the path of my feet, I tried to step over, I tried to kick them aside, I tried to cover them up but they would not move. He was telling me I would not move forward until I was willing to deal with them, until I was willing to work through them with Him. I could not move forward or side step them, but I did move. I was not willing to be obedient, in the stealthiness of my flesh I chose to step backwards.

As is with most people who are not willing to see that God has their best interest in mind that first step is usually followed by a second and third step further into the realm of disobedience.

It’s amazing, (in an daunting sort-of-way) to become aware that you have gone from being angry at God to realizing that you have no feelings at all, while adopting all manor of worldly habits and phrases. However, that was just an illusion. Even in the negative thought progress of one’s own depravity God will get your attention.


Anonymous said...

This is Heavenly Warrior and I can give Testamony about that myself. Not wanting to realize how bad the problem is or in My mind there was no problem. Better yet there was no God, even after witnessing miracles done to people by (Him). I make excuses to what really happened to them. Now this went on for years. Until the Lord had enough an starting using my wife to bring back to reality an (Him). Cause God knew that was the one thing I would to keep. Well I wasn't fighting hard enough an almost came face to face with a divorce if I didn't change. Only one to change for the better, seek counciling from the elders of the church, start going back to church an getting in the Lords word. It's been a hard change, but one I'm more than willing to make. I will not go back to the way I use to be. There was no true happiness or joy there. The Lord has show me what true happiness an joy are an I like it. Gods blessings be upon you an your wife.

Even So... said...

Even in the negative thought progress of one’s own depravity God will get your attention


One Sheep's Voice said...

Warrior, thank you for visiting and for your insight concerning this topic. May God be praised. Please feel free to stop by at any time, God has been helping me to further understand His love for me through this and to understand how God is completely in control.
May the Lord bless you.

One Sheep's Voice said...

JD, as always I am greatful for your comments. You are always an encouragement to me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Happy anniversary to you & Melissa!

I thought I'd take this opportunity to comment on your blog. I must say, as I've followed your testimony over the past year, I'm struck by how much you've gone through in your life. Praise God for His faithfulness to stick it out with us through our physical, emotional, & spiritual valleys.

With regards to #12, there’s truth here for all of us. I think most, if not all Christians hold on to people, places, things, & desires that God would have us to walk away from. One by one, I’ve left many of mine by the wayside & discovered afterward, lo & behold, God was right. I really am better off without them. Some hindered my maturity, some hindered God from blessing me, some were simply sin & grieved God’s Spirit.

Though, sad to say, the old man ain’t dead yet, so the struggle with the old man continues- with my joy at stake.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul! Hope you and Melissa had a wonderful anniversary! May God bless you with many more. Even so...

Thank you for your transparency. We all need to realize "we're in the same boat" without Christ. Know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Steve, wonderful to see you were here, thank you for your insight. And thank you for the kind words concerning Melissa and myself.....
Lord bless you.

Margie, what an honor to have seen you here and for the comment you left. Yes, without Chirst that boat would be one that quickly sinks into the deepest of waters.

I wanted you to know I pray often for you and JD, Margie. You both are a wonderful example for all married couples to emulate as you follow God's teaching on this subject.

Dan said...

Hey Paul,
I'm looking forward to 13. Soon? Maybe?
Love you man

Even So... said...

Well, I liked the first color change a coupla' days ago, and I like this too...make sure you copy the templates and then paste them into a word file so you can easily go back to them if you want...

Dan said...

I like the new look too Paul. Every body is making changes to their blogs. Maybe I should keep up with the Jones! Any way thanks for letting everyone know of my new post Paul.