This, however, is not completely unfamiliar to people who follow the teachings of Christ. In the same way, God who loves us enough to want the very best for us does not leave us in the state we were in at that moment of reconciliation, nor the state we are currently in. God tells us in the (Gospel of Mark 4:32) we are to grow up in faith, (Ephesians 4:13) we are to become more Christ like, (Romans 12:2) we are to be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
(2 Corinthians 3:18) we are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. This is just a sample of scriptures that tell Christians there will be a daily regiment of instructions, and with that there is sure to be pain and discomfort. How can one change from one state of being to another without the accompaniment of tenderness. Even to ask of such a thing would be to deny what Christ sacrificed for us. See John chapter 19 for more understanding.
I really had no idea what I was in for, in fact I had never heard of “rehab” before this all started. The time I had spent in the last hospital did not include exercising or stretching. So after showering and having breakfast a Therapist would come in the room and help me to stretch, as much as was possible with all the cast and braces on me.
I do not remember how long that went on before the Halo brace was removed, really all I remember is the actual day it was unbolted from my head. I realize I am using phrases that make removing the brace sound very graphic, but that is the only way I can get across to the reader the pain that accompanied this could only be weighed against the pain of the bolts being tightened the first time.
I think that it might be possible my dates might be off some, it is difficult for me to remember proper sequence of some memories and some dates. Thinking back, I remember Christmas that year being either just before or just after my arriving back in Maine. The reason I wonder about this is that there is a memory of Mom and my brothers and sister waiting until I got out of the hospital so I could have Christmas with them. I tell you the truth, whether Church family or biological family, life with out family would make recovery far more difficult.
Before I could leave the Hospital there were several things, I had to be able to do. The first was of course was being able to take care of myself, meaning bathing, dressing and being able to transfer into a vehicle.
Part of the daily regiment was to be able to do one hundred pushups, every day, five days a week, one hundred push-ups were required along with a half hour of stretching and standing in a machine that holds you up-right. This was to increase blood circulation through out my body. Interesting how that works, God did not design this body to be permanently in the sitting position.
I was soon to leave the hospital after what seemed years rather than months, though I still had to prove myself to the head of the Physical Therapy Department. She had me come to the department room and sit on the edge of mat, which was about two feet off the ground sitting on a platform that looked much like a full size bed. Once I got there she walked over to me and shoved me backward. Then again she shoved me to the right and again to the left, trying to push me off balance and to fall back onto the mat. The idea was to make sure I could catch myself before falling. To make sure all those things they had taught me were going to stay with me. And in fact they have always stayed with me.
Those things which were taught to me were taught with a reason and a purpose. I remember the Doctor telling me on a particularly rough day I was having. He said, “You have two choices, you live with your disability or you die with it. And if you live with it, you live with it alone.” He was telling me not to rely on anyone for help. To be totally independent meant not needing anyone, to be solely reliant on no one.
That statement did get me out of the Hospital and it did help me to deal with the idea of being restricted to a wheelchair for (what they said) would be the rest of my life. However that same thought process had later proved to be (and still to some degree) one of the hardest things to let go of. (John 3:30) “He must increase, but I must decrease”.
The day I left I was brought to a small house about a mile or so from the Hospital. It still was not clear in my mind that this is where I would be living and that I would not be going back to the farm. Somewhere in my mind I must have figured if I went back and lived on the farm again all this would just disappear. But truly there was no way I could do all those things necessary to live the way we did such a short time ago.
It is simply amazing how fast life can change, but that is another day’s story to tell. Continued…
Still riveted to the story, awaiting the next installment...it has me thinking about my father in law right about now...
Very compelling. I too am thinking about my Dad. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story. Your style of writing is very gripping. :)
Hi, Paul. I just started reading your blog. I have met you at church. I know Dan and his family. I really like your story. I'm not sure I read it in order but I read it all. Can't wait to see what happens when you return to Maine. I do know you are still trusting in God to get you through whatever you face even today. Keep writing...I'll keep reading. Love and prayers, JD's Mom
JD's Mom, Thank you for taking the time to visit and for the comment, it was very kind of you. I will start an other post this evening, however I just started a new job today (prasie God) so my time at the computer will be slightly less. Thank you again it was great hearing from you. May the Lord bless you and your family.
I love the picture. Keep up the good work Paul. I am really enjoying it. By the way I finally have a new post. Love ya
You know reading your post is like reading the Bible in a way. The Trials an Tribulations you went through remind of a few people in the new testament. This was a way for our Lord to pretty much test your Faith. Now you may not have believed in him at first (though I may be wrong), but (He) believed in you. Not everybodies experiences they go through are for the worst, but can be depeding on how we handle them, can used for good. It brings us closer to Jesus, it can be used to witness to others whom have experienced simaliar things in their life, exct. As long as we get through the Trials an Tribulations, than it just brings us that much closer to our Lord. Some take longer than others to realize this, but thats ok (He) will get one way or another. This is Heavenly Warrior saying "Praises be to you an your wife. May the Lord cntinue to fill both your lives with his presences, wisdom, an love".
Warrior, thank you for spending the time you have here, I praise God for what He has brought me though. I know that per His Word He will continue a good work in me untill the time our Lord Jesus returns to claim His own.
Blessings to you and yours.
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