Well,we had finally gotten settled in the cabin, we were reaching the point where we all had our duties and responsibilities, we were all pulling our share of the load. Mom had gotten a part time job to help with those things that… well just can’t be hunted, milked, or gardened. The essentials that nature just couldn’t supply in this day and age. Thing like cleaners, ammunition and the ever popular out-house tissue.
We had met a family while still living in the old farm house, turns out after we had moved into the new place, the other family moved as well. Now only being about three miles away we began visiting each other again. Thinking back; makes me smile when I remember getting up each morning and starting the wood cook stove and preparing to make fresh bread, enough for the day’s meals. Somehow the father of that family always knew when the first loaves were coming out of the oven, just like clock work, there would be a knock at the door and sure enough there he was! “Is the bread still hot”? He would say excitedly.
Not realizing it this same man and his family were also being directed of God. One weekend they had invited us to go and visit the little church where they were attending at the time. While unbeknownst to me dad and mom seemed to be having some challenges in their marriage.
Praise be to the Lord above, little time had passed before He began softening our hearts and giving us the understanding of all that His Son has done for us. My mother was the first to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. That little crossroads church seated less that fifty people but when the Spirit of God visited, those old hymns just seemed to come alive.
It seems my memories fail me when I try to remember how many or if any others of my family received Salvation in that little church. I remember my mother and I remember the day I walked down that short little isle. Like so many other, including dear brother Dan, (shining the truth) when that old faithful, ”Just As I Am” got about half way through the first verse, I believe my feet were three steps ahead of the rest of my body. There was no prompting there, I was ushered. And quickly! When you are called upon by God Almighty you do not hesitate.
Note: There are things and events that God helped to put in the past. Through forgiveness and through grace, some details need to remain just that, in the past.
From the moment God's Redemption entered my mom, things began to change at home. As she began to read her bible and with the help of the Spirit of God she began to understand that things needed to change at home. The more she tried to correct the way things were, the more my mother and fathers challenges increased. Wasn’t long before Dad decided they could no longer live together. He moved into the city some thirty miles from home. From that point on things began to get difficult. But still God was in charge. Continued…